Women Business Owner Statistics

Women Owned Business in the United States

  • More than 11.6 million firms are owned by women, employing nearly 9 million people, and generating $1.7 trillion in sales. 
  • Women-owned firms (51% or more) account for 39% of all privately held firms and contribute 8% of employment and 4.2% of revenues.

Businesses Owned by Women of Color

  • 5.4 million firms are majority-owned by women of color in the U.S. 
  • These firms employ 2.1 million people and generate $361 billion in revenues annually.

Million Dollar Businesses

  • One in five firms with revenue of $1 million or more is woman-owned.
  • 4.2% of all women-owned firms have revenues of 1 million or more.

Industry Trends

  • Half of all women-owned businesses are concentrated in three industries: other niches, healthcare and social and professional/scientific/ technical services.
  • Other businesses such as nail and hair salons as well as pet care businesses – in the last 5 years it has grown by 20%. This category represents 22% of all women-owned businesses.
  • Healthcare and social assistance like daycare and healthcare services. These businesses account for 15% of all.
  • Professional/scientific/ technical categories include lawyers, bookkeepers, architects, public relations firms, and consultants. It’s responsible for 13% women-owned businesses but generates highest revenues from $113,300 to $142,900.
  • Five industries with the highest growth: healthcare and social assistance (14%), accommodation and food services (11%), professional, scientific and technical services (11%), educational services (10%), transportation and warehousing (10%).

Geographic Trends

  • States with the highest growth: Georgia, Oregon, Idaho; Nevada, South Dakota, Utah, Michigan, Maine, Washington, Colorado.
  • The five states with the lowest economic clout are Louisiana, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Alaska, and North Dakota.
  • Metropolitan areas with the highest women-owned businesses growth: Detroit, MI, Charlotte, NC/SC, Atlanta, GA, Austin, TX, San Antonio, TX, Riverside, CA, Las Vegas, NV, Jacksonville, FL; Miami, FL, Cleveland, OH.



